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activate peer advocate crew

Our Work

Uproot abuse in a generation


Our work is guided by three principles.

We envision a world of safe and healthy relationships for all. We offer school-based education curricula, violence prevention tools, branded awareness campaigns, response training for young people and trusted adults in their lives, and direct crisis, emotional, counseling, and intervention services that mitigate the issue from all sides.

Everyone is part of the solution.



abuse before it starts



safe & healthy relationships for all



young people & reduce risk

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Preventing interpersonal violence in a generation requires

education, advocacy, intervention and activation at the

individual, relationship, community and societal levels. 

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Youth Educated

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174 hrs

of outreach

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anonymous Q's

*July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022 statistics



Promoting healthy relationships and the intolerance of interpersonal violence, peer to peer, holds the most promise for uprooting abuse in a generation. 

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Protecting Gen Z and future generations of youth from the trauma of interpersonal violence involves reducing individual, relationship, community and societal risk factors through coordinated community responses.


Jane had been receiving free trauma therapy from our licensed Counselor while she was in Arizona. She was progressing on her path to healing after experiencing domestic violence. She went on a trip out of state and still wanted support but wasn't sure how to receive it. We connected Jane with our individual advocacy team to receive the support she needed while she was out of town.


Our team works together to ensure that we can support survivors no matter where they are.

*Name and identifying information has been changed to protect the confidentiality of our client.

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